Jonathan Shaw
Linda Teaching

At Now Teach, we are looking for people who want to teach in a secondary school and who have lots of experience to share with your students.

We are not looking for people who can recite the national curriculum or know schools inside out.

You might not have even thought about becoming a teacher before.

In order to start training for your teaching qualifications there are some legal requirements. We also look for strong motivation to become a teacher and help students learn.

Got questions? Our Career Change Specialists have the answers.

Qualifications to be a teacher

All applicants must meet the following legal entry requirements to get into teaching:

  • Maths and English GCSEs at C or above.
  • If you studied outside of the UK, equivalent qualifications must be approved by ENIC-NARIC.
  • An undergraduate degree.
  • A-level graded B or above or Honours degree in the subject you want to teach.
  • To be eligible for a government bursary in certain subjects candidates must have:
    • A 2:2 or above at bachelor's degree level or have a Masters/PhD.
    • Been living in the UK or another EEA country for at least three years prior to starting your teacher training.

You need these qualifications to begin training for a PGCE and/or qualified teacher status (QTS).

In some cases, a training provider can ask career changers for more evidence to show their suitability to train in a specific subject.

We will work with you to build a persuasive case and demonstrate why you'll make a good teacher in your chosen area.


Great Career Experience

At Now Teach, we look for people whose career and skills will bring valuable new experience to schools and classrooms.

This includes:

  • Leadership skills, management experience, progression or clear impact 
  • A portfolio career
  • Evidence of overcoming challenges
  • Technical expertise

Many successful Now Teach applicants have also visited a school and volunteered in secondary schools, giving them insight into teaching.

Motivations to teach

Successful applications typically include the following elements:

  • Want to teach in a secondary school
  • Want to be part of the Now Teach Network of career-changers
  • Understand the role of a teacher. You may have visited or volunteered in schools or have planned to.
  • Have the appetite to start over again and learn a new craft
  • Want to work with young people. You may have already done this by volunteering with a youth club, a sports team or tutoring
  • Can communicate with clarity and have exceptional English language ability.

Now Teachers work across a range of subjects and we can support you wherever you are in England.

What if I don't have the right qualifications?

If you don't meet all the entry requirements for an initial teacher training programme, there are options.

First of all, it depends on which qualifications you need.


If you don't have English or maths GCSEs at C or above, you can take what's called an equivalency test.

This is an exam that checks your English or maths skills and knowledge: passing the equivalency test means you can be accepted on a teacher training course.

Talk to our Career Change Specialists about equivalency tests.
We may be able to support you.

We would recommend you can take the tests through organisations such as or – tests are typically £150.

They do require some study ahead of taking which can take several weeks. These equivalency qualifications are designed to ensure all UK teachers have an appropriate level of literacy and numeracy on entering the profession.


There is unfortunately not a similar kind of test if you don't have a degree. If you don't have a degree yet, then training providers are not legally allowed to accept your application. 

Find out if you are eligible to teach