Keep an open mind: why you should apply to four teaching training courses.

You might have found a teacher training course that feels great. That's good. But we'll still advise you to apply to a some others. Here’s why.

4 mins

12/2/2024 8:57:32 PM
Dont Have One Pick Quote

You might have found a teacher training course that feels great. But we still advise you to apply to a few others. Here is why. 

At some point in your career, I imagine you've led change or made decisions where several alternatives are presented.

When approaching these circumstances, you would have mapped out your objectives, researched your options, weighed up the pros and cons and explored several solutions before selecting the best one. 

This experience of exploring different options will prove a valuable asset as a teacher: as you get more established in your career, you’ll develop your teacher toolkit and have more options to choose from.

This approach is also one I really recommend when deciding where to apply to train as a teacher.

Choosing the right training course can be challenging when you don't know much about teaching. A key strategy to set yourself up for success is applying to multiple options, rather than setting your sights on one favourite pick. Even if you've found one that feels just right.

Here’s a few reasons why I always recommend putting a few choices on your teacher training application.

  1. Increasing your chance of being offered a place

Teacher training course have limited number of places, so competition can be fierce. Applying to more than one training provider increases your chances of securing a place and ensures you have alternatives if your first choice doesn’t work out (or you decide it’s not for you).

  1. Getting more interview experience

Interviews vary widely between training providers so applying to multiple programs lets you refine your skills and build confidence for future interviews. If you’ve never done a teacher interview before (and most career changers haven’t) this will be excellent practise.

  1. Gaining more insight into schools

Every school is different and training providers work with lots of different schools: comprehensive, grammar, inner city and rural. By applying to numerous providers you will be able to see which environment suits you and have open discussions about school placements. In contrast, one provider limits your choice of schools.

  1. Making sure the course suits you

Teacher training options include university-based, provider-led, and apprenticeships. Applying to more than one option allows you to explore in detail the support offered, the different demands, and a course structure that meets your needs and existing commitments.

  1. There’s no cost to multiple applications

You can apply to four different providers in one go – the only cost is the time it takes to explore each option.

But bear in mind the cost of starting your training with a provider and a school that doesn’t ‘fit’ you is pretty high. Do you slog on or start again next year? Neither are attractive choices, so take the time to compare your options and maximise your insight.

Having multiple offers gives you comparators and the opportunity, just like in your previous career to weigh up the pros and cons to make an informed choice..


It is important that you are confident your chosen course is the one that fits you well. At Now Teach we will help you identify what you need to make your training year a success! 

So if you want a sounding board, that is what we are here for.

Register to talk to one of our career change consultants.