Linda Now Teach

Understanding your career changer's needs

Mentors plays a huge part in trainees' success. After working with 1000+ career-changing trainees over seven years, we have seen our recruits often need slightly different support compared with recently graduates.

As well as having distinct strengths, career-change teachers have distinct needs.

For those who have never mentored a career changer before, this will be a new situation and that’s why Now Teach offers support to both trainees and mentors.

To help you get the best out of your trainee, we want to share some of our experiences about career-changers in this short eight-minute video.

This short session explains:

  • The five things that career changers need 
  • How mentors can make the most of career changers
  • How we can work together to support career change trainees

Watch the video on YouTube.


We're keen to develop this aspect of our work and would really appreciate your feedback through this short two-minute survey.