Now Teach is a charity that attracts and supports experienced professionals who want to change career and become teachers.
Our vision is a world where children benefit because talented people, who’ve already had successful careers, become teachers and bring their skills and experiences to the schools that need them most.
Rather than provide teacher training, we offer free support tailored to the specific needs of career changers. Our sessions are structured to complement the CCF by focusing on topics where career–changers have the most to learn: behaviour, pedagogy, assessment and wellbeing.
"Mentors are pivotal to teacher training and the success of new teachers in the profession. They are almost like the conductor in an orchestra, bringing together all the different types of knowledge that might have been gleaned from different experiences and helping trainees to make sense of it all. They are absolutely crucial." Samantha Twiselton OBE, Director of Sheffield Institute of Education
Our Programme team works in partnership with training providers to help trainees get the most out of their learning, complete their qualification and stay in the profession for the long term. As a mentor, you can also ask for advice and insight into career changers’ needs from your Now Teacher Programme Manager.
We offer support to your career-changing trainee and to you as a mentor. We are available at any time to discuss your career-changing trainee’s progress or specific needs.
Email to find out more and book a call with your trainee’s Programme Manager.
We understand the huge part that a mentor plays in a trainee’s success. Our focus is solely on career changers in teaching and after working with 500 trainees over five years, we have found our recruits often need slightly different support compared with graduate trainees.
For those who have never mentored a career-changer before, this will be a new situation and that’s why Now Teach offers support to both trainees and mentors.
To help you get the best out of your trainee, we want to share some of our experiences about career-changers with you and explain how we can support both you and your trainee. This includes: