Inspire and Develop: Now Teach Summer Conference

Every year, the Now Teach Network gathers for its Summer Conference. Programme Manager Kate Surtees shares why we do it.

3 mins

7/30/2024 12:52:03 PM
Conference Blog Quotes

The 2024 Now Teach annual conference brought together our community of Now Teachers, each on a unique journey in their teaching careers.

This year's event was a remarkable blend of inspiration, practical advice, and networking opportunities, creating an enriching experience for all attendees. 

 "The atmosphere, the people and the whole vibe really creates a community and a sense of belonging"

Samairah Hussein, Cohort 2024

The conference opened with a compelling welcome address by our co-founder Lucy Kellaway, who left her job at the Financial Times in 2017 to become a teacher. Her speech set the tone for the day, emphasising the transformative power of teaching and the crucial role that career changers play in the educational landscape.  

Following Lucy’s opening remarks, attendees had the privilege of hearing a keynote speech from former headteacher Dame Mary Marsh. Dame Mary shared anecdotes from her extensive career in education and beyond, highlighting the importance of resilience and adaptability.

Her stories underscored the reality that the path to becoming an effective educator is rarely smooth, but the impact that dedicated teachers can have on their students’ lives is immeasurable. 

Tailored sessions for the whole Network

The conference then offered breakout sessions tailored to the various stages of teaching that Now Teachers are at. These sessions provided targeted support and advice, ensuring that each attendee could find relevant and practical guidance for their specific career stage.

Whether people were just starting out or further along in their teaching journey, the sessions provided a valuable opportunity to learn from experienced educators and peers.

“As teachers with former lives outside education. You have a unique superpower of being outside insiders. Unleash that superpower whenever you have the opportunity and accelerate pupil progress”

Graihagh Crawshaw Sadler, CEO Now Teach

In addition to the stage-specific breakout sessions, the conference featured optional sessions focusing on wellbeing, behaviour management, and classroom tips. These sessions were particularly well-received, as they addressed some of the most pressing challenges faced by teachers today.  

Inspiring teachers

The day was rounded off with an inspirational speech by Ndidi Okezie, CEO of UK Youth,  whose powerful words left a lasting impression on all attendees.

Ndidi’s address was a stirring reminder of the profound impact that teachers can have on their students and the broader community. Her speech was a fitting conclusion to a day filled with learning and inspiration, leaving attendees feeling motivated and empowered. 

“Be proud that you are doing the most important job there is”

Sam Twiselton OBE, Now Teach Trustee

Co-founder Katie Waldegrave then closed the conference with heartfelt thanks, acknowledging the hard work and dedication of everyone involved in making the event a success. Her closing remarks encapsulated the spirit of the Now Teach community—a group of passionate career changers committed to making a difference through education. 

Time to network with the Network

The conference was followed by a social, where attendees had the chance to unwind and network over a glass of wine. This relaxed setting provided a perfect opportunity for participants to share their experiences, forge new connections, and celebrate the day’s successes. 

Overall, the Now Teach annual conference offered a blend of inspiration, practical advice, and community building. It was a testament to the strength and resilience of the Now Teach community and a powerful reminder of the important work that career changers are doing in the field of education.

As attendees left the event, they carried with them a renewed sense of purpose and a deeper connection to their peers, ready to continue their journey as transformative educators.